Illustration by Cody Rishell.

Illustration by Cody Rishell.

Which is worse, LA or SF? Two teams of sketch comedians, one from LA and one from SF, will come together to answer the age old questions "Are both of these places as great and terrible as we think they are?" and "Where can I get a good burrito?" San Francisco's long running sketch comedy group Killing My Lobster brings together Lobsters past, present, and future at SF Sketchfest to battle it out over which residents have the worst apartments and the snobbiest attitudes. (Spoiler: IT'S BOTH)

TWO SHOWS ONLY — January 24th & 25th @ 8pm.

meet the team:

Writer Amy Clark & Actor Kaeli Quick. Photo by James Jordan Pictures.

Writer Amy Clark & Actor Kaeli Quick. Photo by James Jordan Pictures.


Dana Blasingame

Max Maliga


Carolyn Racine

Justin Lucas


SF Head Writer Justin Lucas. Photo by James Jordan Pictures.

SF Head Writer Justin Lucas. Photo by James Jordan Pictures.

Evan Burton

Amy Clark

Elaine Gavin

Frankie Griffen

Lauren MacKenzie

Miriam Wilson


Rolanda D. Bell

Raymond Hobbs

Hilary Hyatt

Morgan Pelligrino

Griffin Taylor

Kaeli Quick

Kyna Wise

Phil Wong


Christina Moore

Kelli Westad